Friday, April 1, 2011

POWERS ON! Oh wait, we have to work at night now?

     Another day, full of work and and craziness. Katie did a great job today getting to the condo while I was still at work and started priming. We have now successfully taped, spackled and covered everything that isn't going to be painted with a tarp. I showed up about 6pm and parked my car in the garage next to Katie's car for the first time. The power got turned on today and Katie and I worked together, priming the walls until 8:22 when we started cleaning and headed out to meet everyone at Applebee's. We had a great time and figured out all the math on how wide the stripes needed to be. We've decided on just subtle stripes of the same color in different finishes running vertically though the entire downstairs. We thought this would add a nice interesting touch that would only be noticeable in certain lights and in certain places. After Applebees, Ryan and I went over to the condo, and shot ideas back and forth on things to do. Ryan helped me FINALLY PROGRAM MY CARS BUTTON WITH THE GARAGE!!! I love having friends that are intelligent, and more mechanically inclined than I am. Thankfully, he did a great job keeping me company, until I finished the priming and cleaning. We called it a night at 2am and tomorrow, we can actually start to paint. Long day, and a late post, but I had a great day, and tomorrow, we will actually see a difference in the walls.
    Today I learned about the importance of friends. They make things easier, they help when times are hard, they offer a new perspective and frequently, you can count on them to brighten situations. I had a great day and the condo is coming along. But, I'm tired and I'm going to leave this post at that.

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